We need a functional environment so that the MAtimesVec subfunction can access variables in workspace
function[] = demo_svt
Singular value decomposition for sparse matrix
clear; % Reset random seed s = RandStream('mt19937ar','Seed',2014); RandStream.setGlobalStream(s);
Read in sparse matrices downloaded from The University of Florida Sparse Matrix Collection
data = load('mhd4800b.mat');
mat = data.mhd4800b;
Size of matrix
4800 4800
Sparsity of matrix
Top 25 singular values/vectors by svt
[u,s,v] = svt(mat,'k',25);
Elapsed time is 0.116751 seconds.
Top 25 singular values/vectors by Matlab svds
tic; [su,ss,sv] = svds(mat,25); toc;
Elapsed time is 0.107908 seconds.
Full svd
tic; [fu,fs,fv] = svd(full(mat)); toc;
Elapsed time is 61.233705 seconds.
Accuracy of solutions provided by svt
disp(norm(fu(:,1:25)*fs(1:25,1:25)*fv(:,1:25)'- u*s*v','fro'));
Accuracy of solutions provided by svds
disp(norm(fu(:,1:25)*fs(1:25,1:25)*fv(:,1:25)'- su*ss*sv','fro'));
Singular value decomposition for structured (sparse + low rank) matrix
clear; % Reset random seed s = RandStream('mt19937ar','Seed',2014); RandStream.setGlobalStream(s);
Read in sparse matrices downloaded from The University of Florida Sparse Matrix Collection
data = load('mhd4800b.mat');
mat = data.mhd4800b;
Generation of structured matrix (sparse plus low rank)
m = size(mat,1); n = size(mat,2); L = randn(m,20); R = randn(n,20); LR = L*R'; % generation of low rank matrix smat = mat + LR; % sparse + low rank
Top 25 singular values/vectors by svt. Function MAtimesVec is defined at end of this file.
tic; [u,s,v] = svt(@MAtimesVec,'m',m,'n',n,'k',25); toc;
Elapsed time is 0.348975 seconds.
Top 25 singular values/vectors by Matlab's svds
tic; [su,ss,sv] = svds(smat,25); toc;
Elapsed time is 26.174096 seconds.
Full svd
tic; [fu,fs,fv] = svd(full(smat)); toc;
Elapsed time is 47.166358 seconds.
Accuracy of solutions provided by svt
disp(norm(fu(:,1:25)*fs(1:25,1:25)*fv(:,1:25)'- u*s*v','fro'));
Accuracy of solutions provided by svds
disp(norm(fu(:,1:25)*fs(1:25,1:25)*fv(:,1:25)'- su*ss*sv','fro'));
Singular value thresholding for sparse matrix
clear; % Reset random seed s = RandStream('mt19937ar','Seed',2014); RandStream.setGlobalStream(s);
Read in sparse matrices downloaded from The University of Florida Sparse Matrix Collection
data = load('mhd4800b.mat');
mat = data.mhd4800b;
Size of matrix:
4800 4800
Sparsity of matrix
Find all singular values >= 0.1 by svt (deflation method)
[u,s,v] = svt(mat,'lambda',0.1);
Elapsed time is 0.947435 seconds. ans = 48 48
It's faster if we have a good guess of how many singular values above threshold
tic; [~,ks,~] = svt(mat,'lambda',0.1,'k',45); toc; display(size(ks));
Elapsed time is 0.445496 seconds. ans = 48 48
Find all singular values >= 0.1 by svt (succession method)
tic; [iu,is,iv] = svt(mat,'lambda',0.1,'method','succession'); toc; display(size(is));
Elapsed time is 1.690423 seconds. ans = 48 48
Find all singular values >= 0.1 by full svd
fmat = full(mat); tic; [su,ss,sv] = svd(fmat); dss = diag(ss); i = find(dss<=0.1); su = su(:,1:i-1); dss = dss(1:i-1); sv = sv(:,1:i-1); ss = diag(dss); toc; display(size(ss));
Elapsed time is 61.567353 seconds. ans = 48 48
Accuracy of solutions provided by svt deflation method
disp(norm(u*s*v'- su*ss*sv','fro'));
Accuracy of solutions provided by svt succession method
disp(norm(iu*is*iv'- su*ss*sv','fro'));
Singular value thresholding for structured (sparse + low rank) matrix
clear; % Reset random seed s = RandStream('mt19937ar','Seed',2014); RandStream.setGlobalStream(s);
Read in sparse matrices downloaded from The University of Florida Sparse Matrix Collection
data = load('mhd4800b.mat');
mat = data.mhd4800b;
Generation of structured matrix (sparse plus low rank)
m = size(mat,1); n = size(mat,2); L = randn(m,20); R = randn(n,20); LR = L*R'; % generation of low rank matrix smat = mat + LR; % sparse + low rank
Find all singular values >= 0.2 by svt (deflation method). Function MAtimesVec is defined at end of this file.
tic; [u,s,v] = svt(@MAtimesVec,'m',m,'n',n,'lambda',0.2); toc; display(size(s));
Warning: eflag is 1, refresh with warm start. Elapsed time is 2.102111 seconds. ans = 48 48
It's faster if we have a good guess of how many singular values above threshold
tic; [~,ks,~] = svt(@MAtimesVec,'m',m,'n',n,'lambda',0.2,'k',45); toc; display(size(ks));
Elapsed time is 1.512254 seconds. ans = 48 48
Find all singular values >= 0.2 by svt (succession method). Function MAtimesVec is defined at end of this file.
tic; [iu,is,iv] = svt(@MAtimesVec,'m',m,'n',n,'lambda',0.2,... 'method','succession'); toc; display(size(is));
Elapsed time is 10.179397 seconds. ans = 48 48
Find all singular values >= 0.2 by full svd
fmat = full(smat); tic; [su,ss,sv] = svd(fmat); dss = diag(ss); i = find(dss<=0.2); su = su(:,1:i-1); dss = dss(1:i-1); sv = sv(:,1:i-1); ss = diag(dss); toc; display(size(ss));
Elapsed time is 47.114149 seconds. ans = 48 48
Accuracy of solutions provided by svt deflation method
disp(norm(u*s*v'- su*ss*sv','fro'));
Accuracy of solutions provided by svt succession method
disp(norm(iu*is*iv'- su*ss*sv','fro'));
Subfunction for exploiting matrix structure of sparse plus low rank
function MAvec = MAtimesVec(vec, trans) if trans MAvec = (vec'*mat)' + R*(vec'*L)'; else MAvec = mat*vec + L*(R'*vec); end end