This code snippet demonstrates solving lasso and square-root lasso via Quadratic Programming (QP) and Second Order Cone Programming (SOCP) using the Convex.jl
package in Julia
Display system information.
using Gadfly
# random seed
# n = # obs, p = # predictors excluding intercept
n = 100; p = 10
# Design matrix
X = [ones(n, 1) randn(n, p)]
# True regression coefficients (first 5 are non-zero)
β = [1.0; randn(5, 1); zeros(p - 5, 1)]
# Responses
y = X * β + randn(n, 1)
# plot the true β
plot(x=1:p, y=β[2:end], Geom.point, Guide.title("True β"),
Guide.xlabel("j"), Guide.ylabel("βj"))
Load the Convex.jl
using Convex
## Use Gurobi solver
#using Gurobi
#solver = GurobiSolver(OutputFlag=0)
# Use Mosek solver
using Mosek
solver = MosekSolver(LOG=0)
## Use SCS solver
#using SCS
#solver = SCSSolver(verbose=1)
Set up a grid of $\lambda$ and solve the lasso problem \begin{eqnarray*} &\text{minimize}& \frac 12 |y - \beta_0 1 - X \beta|_2^2 + \lambda |\beta|_1 \end{eqnarray*} at each value of $\lambda$.
λlist = 0:10:200
βpath = zeros(p + 1, length(λlist))
# βhat are optimization variables
βhat = Variable(size(X, 2))
@time for i = 1:length(λlist)
λ = λlist[i]
problem = minimize(0.5 * sumsquares(y - X * βhat) + λ * norm(βhat[2:end], 1))
βpath[:, i] = βhat.value
Display solution path.
using DataFrames
lassopath = DataFrame(Predictor = rep(1:p, length(λlist)),
Coeff = reshape(βpath[2:end, :], (p * length(λlist))),
λ = rep(λlist, each=p))
plot(lassopath, x=:λ, y=:Coeff, color=:Predictor, Geom.line,
Guide.xlabel("λ"), Guide.ylabel("βhat(λ)"), Guide.title("Lasso"),
Set up a grid of $\lambda$ and solve the lasso problem \begin{eqnarray*} &\text{minimize}& |y - \beta_0 1 - X \beta|_2 + \lambda |\beta|_1 \end{eqnarray*} at each value of $\lambda$.
λlist = 0:0.5:10
βpath = zeros(p + 1, length(λlist))
# βhat are optimization variables
βhat = Variable(size(X, 2))
@time for i = 1:length(λlist)
λ = λlist[i]
problem = minimize(norm(y - X * βhat) + λ * norm(βhat[2:end], 1))
βpath[:, i] = βhat.value
Display solution path.
sqrtlassopath = DataFrame(Predictor = rep(1:p, length(λlist)),
Coeff = reshape(βpath[2:end, :], (p * length(λlist))),
λ = rep(λlist, each=p))
plot(sqrtlassopath, x=:λ, y=:Coeff, color=:Predictor, Geom.line,
Guide.xlabel("λ"), Guide.ylabel("βhat(λ)"), Guide.title("Sqrt-Root Lasso"),