Welcome to Biostat M280 Statistical Computing.
- Introduction and course logistics
Homework (not graded)
Fill out a short survey. It helps me better prepare the course.
Download and install Julia v0.6.2 from https://julialang.org/downloads/.
Install the IJulia.jl package.
- Alternatively, download and install JuliaPro (Personal) v0.6.2.2 from https://juliacomputing.com/products/juliapro.html.
JuliaPro bundles Julia, Atom (editor), Juno (IDE), and many commonly used packages. If encountering issues during installation, read FAQ first.
Watch Intro to Julia (1h40m), by Jane Herriman (Dec 19, 2017), and (if possible) follow up on next (monthly) tutorial
Intro to Julia, by Jane Herriman on April 6, 2018 at 10AM PDT. - Reading:
- 50 years of data sicence by David Donoho.