Multinomial-logit regression and sparse regression
A demo of Multinomial-logit regression and sparse regression
Generate multinomial random vectors from covariates
clear; % reset random seed s = RandStream('mt19937ar','Seed',1); RandStream.setGlobalStream(s); % sample size n = 200; % # covariates p = 15; % # bins d = 5; % design matrix X = randn(n,p); % true regression coefficients: predictors 1, 3, and 5 have effects B = zeros(p,d-1); nzidx = [1 3 5]; B(nzidx,:) = ones(length(nzidx),d-1); prob = zeros(n,d); prob(:,d) = ones(n,1); prob(:,1:d-1) = exp(X*B); prob = bsxfun(@times, prob, 1./sum(prob,2)); batchsize = 25+unidrnd(25,n,1); Y = mnrnd(batchsize,prob); zerorows = sum(Y,2); Y=Y(zerorows~=0, :); X=X(zerorows~=0, :);
Fit multinomial logit regression
tic; [B_hat, stats] = mnlogitreg(X,Y); toc; display(B_hat); display(; display(stats); % Wald test of predictor significance display('Wald test p-values:'); display(stats.wald_pvalue); figure; plot(stats.logL_iter); xlabel('iteration'); ylabel('log-likelihood');
Elapsed time is 0.064823 seconds. B_hat = 0.9062 0.9845 0.9823 1.0066 0.0491 0.0174 0.0223 -0.0064 0.9543 0.9696 0.9683 0.9576 -0.0121 -0.0053 0.0275 0.0129 0.9871 1.0022 0.9483 0.9692 0.0010 -0.0019 -0.0619 0.0244 -0.0288 -0.0399 -0.0092 -0.0297 -0.0591 0.0135 -0.0068 0.0009 -0.0469 -0.0452 -0.0606 -0.0716 0.0122 -0.0213 -0.0476 -0.0115 0.0758 -0.0163 0.0003 0.0828 -0.0039 -0.0010 -0.0128 -0.0097 -0.0780 -0.0469 -0.0415 -0.0474 0.0318 -0.0152 -0.0228 0.0117 -0.0009 -0.0230 -0.0645 -0.0423 0.0430 0.0434 0.0434 0.0436 0.0454 0.0456 0.0455 0.0455 0.0420 0.0421 0.0421 0.0423 0.0415 0.0416 0.0414 0.0417 0.0441 0.0442 0.0438 0.0441 0.0381 0.0380 0.0380 0.0380 0.0380 0.0382 0.0380 0.0382 0.0387 0.0385 0.0385 0.0388 0.0378 0.0379 0.0378 0.0380 0.0397 0.0400 0.0401 0.0399 0.0433 0.0433 0.0430 0.0432 0.0427 0.0427 0.0426 0.0427 0.0411 0.0412 0.0412 0.0413 0.0387 0.0387 0.0387 0.0388 0.0398 0.0398 0.0398 0.0400 stats = struct with fields: BIC: 3.5804e+03 AIC: 3.3825e+03 dof: 60 iterations: 5 logL: -1.6313e+03 logL_iter: [1×5 double] prob: [200×5 double] yhat: [200×5 double] gradient: [60×1 double] observed_information: [60×60 double] H: [60×60 double] se: [15×4 double] wald_stat: [1×15 double] wald_pvalue: [1×15 double] Wald test p-values: Columns 1 through 7 0 0.7611 0 0.8724 0 0.2120 0.8340 Columns 8 through 14 0.3342 0.3851 0.6591 0.0494 0.9974 0.4458 0.6268 Column 15 0.4288

Fit multinomial logit sparse regression - - lasso/group/nuclear penalty
penalty = {'sweep','group','nuclear'}; ngridpt = 10; dist = 'mnlogit'; for i = 1:length(penalty) pen = penalty{i}; [~, stats] = mglm_sparsereg(X,Y,inf,'penalty',pen,'dist',dist); maxlambda = stats.maxlambda; lambdas = exp(linspace(log(maxlambda),-log(size(X,1)),ngridpt)); BICs = zeros(1,ngridpt); LogLs = zeros(1,ngridpt); Dofs =zeros(1, ngridpt); tic; for j=1:ngridpt if j==1 B0 = zeros(p,d-1); else B0 = B_hat; end [B_hat, stats] = mglm_sparsereg(X,Y,lambdas(j),'penalty',pen, ... 'dist',dist,'B0',B0); BICs(j) = stats.BIC; LogLs(j) = stats.logL; Dofs(j) = stats.dof; end toc; % True signal versus estimated signal [bestbic,bestidx] = min(BICs); B_best = mglm_sparsereg(X,Y,lambdas(bestidx),'penalty',pen,'dist',dist); % display MSE of regularized estiamte display(norm(B_best-B,2)/sqrt(numel(B))); figure; subplot(1,3,1); semilogx(lambdas,BICs); ylabel('BIC'); xlabel('\lambda'); xlim([min(lambdas) max(lambdas)]); subplot(1,3,2); imshow(mat2gray(-B)); title('True B'); subplot(1,3,3); imshow(mat2gray(-B_best)); title([pen ' estimate']); end
Elapsed time is 0.158750 seconds. 0.0751 Elapsed time is 0.091532 seconds. 0.0638 Elapsed time is 0.231174 seconds. 0.1726