BIOSTAT M280 tentative schedule and handouts (expect frequent updates)
Week | Tuesday | Thursday | Homework |
1 | 1/8 introduction, course logistics [slides: Rmd, html] | 1/10 Linux basics [slides: Rmd, html] | |
2 | 1/15 reproducible research [slides: Rmd, html], Git/GitHub [slides: Rmd, html] | 1/17 RMarkdown [tutorial, cheatsheet] | HW1: Rmd, html |
3 | 1/22 R programming (benchmark, debug, profile) [slides: Rmd, html] | 1/24 Rcpp, parallel computing, R package [slides: Rmd, html] | |
4 | 1/29 data visualization with ggplot2 [slides: Rmd, html] | 1/31 data transformation with dplyr [slides: Rmd, html] | HW2: Rmd, html |
5 | 2/5 tidy data [slides: Rmd, html], strings [slides: Rmd, html] | 2/7 web scraping [slides: Rmd, html] | |
6 | 2/12 in-class project | 2/14 shiny for interactive document [slides: Rmd, html] | HW3: Rmd, html |
7 | 2/19 Databases intro. [slides: Rmd, html], dbplyr [slides: Rmd, html] | 2/21 cluster computing at UCLA (Chris German) [slides] | |
8 | 2/26 cloud computing with GCP [slides: Rmd, html] | 2/28 Docker [slides: Rmd, html] | |
9 | 3/5 neural network and deep learning (intro.) [slides: Rmd, html] | 3/7 neural network and deep learning (examples) [slides: Rmd, html] | HW4: Rmd, html |
10 | 3/12 Neural network: examples | 3/14 distributed data analysis with sparklyr [Intro: Rmd, html] [Examples: Rmd, html] |